AccE GM85

Premium mobile digital radiography system AccE GM85 provides advanced driving experience and advanced applications to support enhanced usability and high image quality.

Powerful Battery Performance
As the procedure volume of mobile x-ray increases to deal with a large number of patient volume, Samsung is focusing more on efficient mobile DR imaging based on its accumulated battery technology. The upgraded lithium-ion battery offers 54% longer operating time² than conventional GM85 on a single charge.

Quiet Operation for Care
The noise level is reduced by 9dB
compared to the conventional GM85 in stand-by mode. AccE GM85 allows low noise operations that do not disturb other patients. With night mode on, the screen color, temperature, and sound volume are accordingly adjusted. It will be a necessary function for taking x-ray exams in a quiet environment such as NICU. Its quick exposure feature is useful for pediatric patients who are not easy to maintain stationary posture.

Advanced Driving Experience
The Ultra-compact, Ultra-light AccE GM85 allows access to anywhere, even in narrow hallways or tight spaces. Its light weight also allows easy maneuvering both in and out of elevators without worrying about the weight limit.

Safe Navigation
Collapsible column enables safe navigation by securing a clear view. Light pressure on the handle is enough to control the speed of the device easily. The sensor on the front bumper automatically stops the device with a short braking distance.

SID Guide*
SID (Source to Image Distance) Guide supports multiple SID settings to aid precise device positioning. Also, the quick positioning function offers handle-free, accurate maneuveringof the device by allowing Quick Positioning from the THU (Tube Head Unit).
* 3 SID Types : 100/130/180 cm
S-Align™ displays the detector’s angle to the THU for precise alignment and enhances the quality of imaging.
With S-Align™ Info. to DICOM* feature, the tube/detector angle information is inserted into the DICOM personal tag and added as annotations.
* Optional feature requiring additional purchase
* DICOM Tag : (0033, 1034)
* This feature is only for S4335-AW, S4343-AW detector.

Mirror View*
Mirror View function provides secured screen sharing of AccE GM85 to the display device using Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Miracast™. This can help make a correct and quick decision on the x-ray image seamlessly, especially useful for the ER/OR or trauma environments, where multiple medical staff need to quickly acquire and check images in real-time. Therefore, Mirror View can reduce first aid response time and the risk of contamination in the OR room with ease of use.
* Optional feature requiring additional purchase
* Compatible with Windows 10 only.
* Miracast receiver dongle is necessary.
* When using the Mirror View, image transmitted via Miracast is not available for the purpose of diagnosis.
Manual Stitching*
Manual Stitching can capture a body part that is larger than detector’s area. After taking multiple images**, Align-Assist function makes the alignment process easy, which helps merging them into one image. The surgeon can check the whole spine image right after spine surgery with Manual Stitching.
* Optional feature requiring additional purchase
** Two to five images are available
*** These images were taken with GR40CW.

Without an additional exposure to the patient, S-Enhance creates a companion image to support your diagnosis. S-Enhance improves the clarity of foreign bodies (e.g., tube, line, and/or needle) within images of the Chest, Abdomen, and L-Spine.
* Optional feature requiring additional purchase

With just a click, SimGrid™ allows you to provide better patient care with higher satisfaction and reduced retake rates without the use of a portable grid. It improves image contrast by reducing scatter radiation effects and creates better image quality.
* Optional feature requiring additional purchase
Bone Suppression*
Without additional setting or exposure, Bone Suppression Imaging improves the clarity of soft tissues by suppressing the appearance of bones in chest images, which improves your ability to detect nodules. You can easily create the companion image with just a click on the screen.
* Optional feature requiring additional purchase

On-Device CAD*
Samsung’s new On-Device CAD solution with VUNO Med®-Chest X-ray™ assists you to diagnose more efficiently and accurately by automatically detecting the five most common thoracic findings in emergency care.
* Optional feature requiring additional purchase